I haven't even unpacked my bags (or uploaded my Borneo videos on Vimeo) when I got thrown in at the deep end. One of my editors asked if I could help out with a book - the originial translator could not keep the dead line. Since I have such a soft heart, I said yes, without even asking about the details. Big mistake. The book in question turned out to be a hard-core Tom Clancy "finish off all the terrorists, drug-dealers, bad-guys with all conceivable weapons on Earth" book. I am not a particularly aggressive person (except when in a sleep-deprived state, which means less than nine hours sleep, which means EVERY FRIGGIN' DAY!!) so this stuff does not come easy to me. The original translator (a guy) asked me to alert him every time a gun gets fired (he does not really trust a female translator to be able to cope with situations like these) but that would mean practically EVERY TWO MINUTES.
Anyway, I am off to kick some terrorists' asses.
If that does not generate traffic to this site, then I don't know what...
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